The average house price on BLEGBERRY GARDENS is £2,110,886
The most expensive house in the street is 4 BLEGBERRY GARDENS with an estimated value of £2,412,840
The cheapest house in the street is 6 BLEGBERRY GARDENS with an estimated value of £1,711,232
The house which was most recently sold was 6 BLEGBERRY GARDENS, this sold on 29 Mar 2019 for £1,375,000
The postcode for BLEGBERRY GARDENS is HP4 3AR
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BLEGBERRY GARDENS Detached £2,133,661 £1,152,000 28 Jul 2005
2 BLEGBERRY GARDENS Detached , 302 m2 £2,254,981 £1,295,000 12 Aug 2011
3 BLEGBERRY GARDENS Detached , 335 m2 £2,041,717 £1,575,000 26 May 2017
4 BLEGBERRY GARDENS Detached , 392 m2 £2,412,840 £1,100,000 2 Dec 2003
6 BLEGBERRY GARDENS Detached , 391 m2 £1,711,232 £1,375,000 29 Mar 2019